The Mayvin Podcast
The Mayvin Podcast
MA For Busy People: Balancing Life & Learning
In today's episode, James and Carolyn are going to be talking all things Mayvin Masters. As you may have heard, we're thrilled to be announcing the second cohort of our MA in people and organisation development starting March 2024. To celebrate, Carolyn and James got together and recorded this podcast, answering some of your most common questions. So why do it and why is it different? What will it do for me? And what will I get out of it? And a little bit about the structure and what you can do if you want to find out more.
James Traeger 1:33
Hello, so we're going to be talking about our master's in people and organisation development. So I'll start by asking you, Carolyn, why might people do a programme like this, like the people in organisation development masters that we run?
Carolyn Norgate 1:53
Well, if I think back to most of my career was as an internal OD consultant, so many years in NHS, few years in the civil service before I came here. And one of the things that I was looking for in the internals I worked with internal change and organisational development design consultants are often looking for is, I suppose to reflect on my practice, a community of practitioners to work with and really think about how change happens. I'm going to say in reality, which makes it sound like they're not in reality. Yeah. But I think there's something quite interesting about how organisations choose to position change, as if it is structured and linear and
James Traeger 2:48
can be planned easily. Yeah, yeah.
Carolyn Norgate 2:50
And I think that can be quite difficult to work with so. So that sense of have both having community having the time and space to research and work with the, you know, what do theorists say around this? But more importantly, how do I practice well in this space, so my background was as an internal OD consultant, this programme works for internal OD consultants, but we also have people on the programme, who come from a more change, sort of business change that sort of internal world business architecture, that sort of area. We've, and we designed it for people who might be leaders of change. So I'm thinking again, of our current cohort, there's someone who's a leader of a big operational function in a sort of broadly healthcare environment. external consultants, freelancers, yeah, again, some of them working more in design, more sort of plan change areas, some in the what who would call themselves OD consultants. So it's quite a broad church. But I think change is the the nexus point, and
James Traeger 4:13
how to really get change done, isn't it if you're really interested in how you get change done, besides what it says in the textbooks, but actually how you create coalition's and manage the process in order to do that. And you're not just stepping back and thinking about it, are you you're actually doing it? Yes, part of the master's programme,
Carolyn Norgate 4:34
which actually, you might start to answer now, James, because one of the things we're going to talk about was, how is it different? So what's your stance and pretend around that?
James Traeger 4:42
Well, the programme, I would say, is designed for busy pe
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